Commercial Door | Specialized Doors | Roll-up Service Door

July 1, 2011

If you want to save space for your shed consider Roll up doors

Just a simple desire to have a shed for an extra storage involves a lot of decision making. You have to make your mind up where you want to place it. Then come to a conclusion on the materials, on the budget as well as design of the shed. Finally, type of door to put into it.

Once that is done, roll up doors for storage sheds are best systems as they are advantageous to you in a number of ways, especially for houses with little space. For a restricted space, you must be able to open your door with less space. It is the most well-liked and suitable replacement for your old shed doors because it is easily installed and can have security locks to keep your items protected. They are tough and can hold out extreme weather conditions.

Before you buy your roll-up doors, you have to keep in mind several factors like:

Door frame – Before purchasing the door, you have to measure the shed to determine its dimension and also get the correct measurement to get the right size of roll-up door for your shed.

Header – Check the shed for any barrier like pipes or cords in the door header because it would make trouble in the way of the door from opening freely.
Mounting width – You require to measure the top of your door to get the right allowance and appropriate bracket for mounting bracket.
Door jambs – These are the two sides of the door frame that guides the door on where it should be opened.

Types of roll up doors:

Sectional roll up
Counter roll up
Insulated roll up
High cycle
Fire and smoke resistant roll up
Motor control

If budget permits, you can hire a contractor to install the door else install the door yourself by following the steps mentioned:

– Place the lowest door panel in the door frame by spiking them halfway into the frame in order to hold them in place and arrange them in position
– Assemble and attach the rollers to each side of the panel then connect the hinges.
– Attach the vertical tracks to the wall thereafter prepare the ceiling to mounting the horizontal tracks.
– Mount the door’s torque tube.
– Remove the nails which are positioned in the last panel of the door.

When the door is open the slats roll up into a roll and store inside a barrel enclosure that fit in a spring. This roll-up barrel accumulates to the wall above the door opening. The advantage for this type of door is the interior overhead access is not vanished when the door is open. Small window slat portals are optional to gain visibility from the inside looking out to see when truck or people are outside the door.